Living With Alzheimer's Disease
- Category: Alzheimers
- Posted On:
- Written By: Donna Walker, MD
Things you once did easily will become increasingly difficult, such as maintaining a schedule or managing money. You may already be aware of changes in your ability to complete daily tasks that once came naturally to you. Accepting changes in your abilities and adapting new coping skills can help you restore balance to your life.

- Set realistic goals and focus on what you can do today.
- Develop a daily routine.
- Approach one task at a time and don't get stuck.
- Know that you have more than one chance to solve most problems.
- Recognize the triggers that cause you stress.
- Use your sources of strength.
Healthy Diet and Exersise
Healthy Eating
People with Alzheimer’s should eat nutritious and well-balanced meals. Alzheimer’s may cause appetite control systems in the brain to malfunction as nerve cells in those areas deteriorate, resulting in extreme eating behaviors (overeating or not eating at all).
Even healthy older people experience changes in their eating habits:
- Food may not smell or taste the same
- Food may become more difficult to chew
- Thier body's ability to utilize the energy from food efficiently
These problems may be more pronounced in people with Alzheimer’s and may be compounded by other challenges posed by the disease.
Maintaining a reasonable level of physical activity is important both for overall health and to address issues specific to Alzheimer’s. Exercise can improve mobility which will in turn help maintain independence. Light exercise and walking appear to reduce wandering, aggression, and agitation in people with Alzheimer's. Incorporating exercise into daily routines can help alleviate problem behaviors. Its important for your exercise routine to be customised to your ability level. if you are unsure what this might be, speak with your doctor.