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10 WARNING SIGNS OF DEMENTIA: WHERE are my keys vs. WHAT are my keys

About This Event

  • Event Type:Health Lecture

During this lecture, a longtime expert in dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease will speak about age-related changes, as well as common warning signs of dementia. She will discuss how to approach someone about memory concerns, the benefits of early detection, the diagnostic process and resources offered by the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Speaker: Laura DeLoye, Alzheimer’s Association Program and Education Manager – San Luis Obispo County 

In her role with the Alzheimer’s Association, Laura coordinates support groups, education, information and referrals, as well as care consultations. Laura has worked in all levels of care with older adults and caregivers for more than 25 years as a music therapist, community coordinator, adult day center director and on-profit organization director. 

Event Coordinator
  • Price: Free
  • Registration Instructions: