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Executive Committee

This committee is empowered to study all recommendations of standing or special committees and submit proposals for Board action.

The Executive Committee acts for the Board as a whole, as specifically authorized by Board-approved Bylaws, and as empowered by the Board of Trustees, and in keeping with legal requirements of government.

Designated to expedite the proper operation of the Board, this Committee is empowered to study all recommendations of Standing or Special

Committees and submit proposals for Board action. Additionally, the Executive Committee is responsible for evaluating all fundraising projects as proposed by the Hospital Administration and Board.

Committee Members

The Executive Committee is composed of the Officers of the Foundation, the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees, the Hospital Administrator and others as designated by the Board of Trustees

  • Alice Milligan
    Alice MilliganFoundation President
  • James Raggio
    James RaggioVice-President
  • Gary Williams
    Gary WilliamsFoundation Treasurer
  • Susan Xiong
    Susan XiongFoundation Secretary
  • George Stillman
    George StillmanChair, Investment
  • Heather Woolsey
    Heather WoolseyChair, Development & Finance
  • Yvette Cope
    Yvette CopeCEO, Lompoc Valley Medical Center